Selected Discussions (available upon request)

Big techs and the credit channel of monetary policy, by Fiorella De Fiore, Leonardo Gambacorta, and Cristina Manea, Qatar Center for Global Banking and Finance Annual Conference, July 2024.

Dash for Dollars, by Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi, Robert Czech, and Fernando Eguren-Martin, Barcelona Summer Forum, July 2024.

The Hairy Premium, by Pasquale Della Corte, Ljubica Georgievska, Anthony Saunders, and Zhaneta Krasimirova Tancheva, AFA, January 2024.

Preferred Habitats and Timing in the World's Safe Asset, by Alexandra Tabova and Francis E. Warnock, 13th Bank of Canada Workshop on Exchange Rates, December 2023

Similar Investors, Co-Pierre Georg, Diane Pierret, and Sascha Steffen, Conference on Regulating Financial Markets, August 2023.

Dollar Asset Holding and Hedging Around the Globe, by Wenxin Du and Amy Wang Huber, 2nd Annual International Roles of the U.S. Dollar Conference, May 2023.

FX Transaction and Translation Risk, by Patrick Adams and Adrien Verdelhan, EFA, August 2022.